Emanuele Nadalon
personal website
Born in Pordenone in 1975, on a stormy night just before the beginning of summer, under the sign of Gemini. Curiosity, versatility, peculiarities? For sure, but others are the words that sum up and distinguish his diversified educational, professional and cultural path. Space, cinema and research.
Space: the keystone of his past, present and future. Since he was a child he has gazed at the stars, being fascinated by those fantastic and unknown worlds, beyond our own planet. His desire to observe and reach to them was such that he took up Aerospace Engineering in his studies. A Master graduate from Politecnico di Milano, through the years he has committed himself to studying and researching the field, taking active steps with the scientific disclosure, he has attended as a speaker conferences and events of the Gruppo Astrofili Pordenonese (Pordenone's amateur astronomers group). From an IoT point of view, after the Scientific high school diploma, he obtained a post-high school certification in Telecommunications as Higher Technician (IFTS), in order to acquire specific technical and transversal skills on both professional and educational spheres. For several years he has taught Mathematics and Physics in a school service center in Pordenone.
Cinema: 2001 a space odyssey, Alien and Star Wars sagas are masterpieces that speak by themselves. Cinema is the best media to thouroughly narrate life, emotions, and thoughts that run through the stars, at the speed of light. This language has attracted Emanuele since he was a little boy, when, driven by passion and determination, with his longtime friends, he shot several movie productions, devising and assembling sets and equipment by himself. Drawing from great masters such as Hitchcock, Kubrick, and Scott, he wrote the screenplays and he shot with his own camcorder a few medium length movies like “L'ultimo dei cacciatori” and “All'altro capo”. In recent years he has moved towards naturalistic documentaries. Thanks to this kind of videos he is able to express his great passion for nature. He captures the detail and the magnificence of the microcosm and macrocosm that plant and animal life reveals during its life cycle, and he enhances it of new perspectives thanks to the aerial drones that he designs and builds in his laboratory. Emanuele grew up in nature and he still lives surrounded by it, he devotes his spare time to beekeeping, learning with dedication the technical secrets of this practice.
Research: Emanuele is an evolving being who researches and wanders through different fields of knowledge. For a period he did this as a job, filling the role of Research and Development manager in a electro-mechanical company based in Friuli operating in the Beverage industry. Innovating, evolving and improving an idea, a place, a product, drive both his personal and professional actions. Emanuele never stops putting himself out there and learning: he gathers information and studies local history, paying particular attention to the medieval and Napoleonic periods. He also attends medieval reenactments, dressing up with costumes that are faithful to the era and that he designs and sews by himself by hand or with a sewing machine. His energy is lively and sparkling, his enthusiasm for knowledge is crackling and engaging: if the Emperor (his nickname since university) puts a project forward to you, you just accept it, conquered by his passionate creativity.
“May the United Sides of the Force be with you!” is a way his friends often greet him with. As a matter of fact, together with a dear friend of his, he has committed to the Union of the Dark and the Light side of the Force. A Philosophy that aims to balancing the extremes through Logic and Hans Jonas’ Ethics of technological progress. Who knows Emanuele describes him as a hive of ideas, an overwhelming volcano that instills his desire to learn continuously. If we wanted to represent him with a movie sequence we would see a studious man walking through the different fields of knowledge, wrapped in his tabarro (a local traditional cloak) during the winter, shielded by his panama hat in summer, while he smokes his pipe which has been carved by himself from a cherry tree branch, the latter being displayed in the friezes of his heraldic coat of arms. A person from times goneby, projected into the future.